Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Well, the hard part of finals is over. Three more today, and then I'm done (well, one doesn't even really count because we just have to come to class and the final test was last week, so only 2 more!) Had a few ups and downs in my boyfriend's life, but It's almost nice to focus on his well being instead of mine for a change. I mean, not that I wish bad stuff to happen to him, but it gives me a good distraction and makes me feel useful to help him. I mean, as useful as I can be. Here is a pic of me basically losing my mind yesterday. Hey, sometimes we all need to be a little silly!

He has, however, found and is working on applying to the dream summer job; a camp counselor at a place with a ropes coarse and alpine tower and rock climbing and swimming and soccer and ultimate frisbee. It's also a bible camp, so the application is about 6 pages with a lot of questions about his beliefs and asking for scriptures to support his answer.

This was, I think, really good for him, because one or two of the questions addressed things he'd been wrestling with for a while and gave him the chance to dig in and really research what he believed. I have high hopes that he might get this job, so if you pray, please keep that in mind. If not, positive thoughts are always appreciated.

Speaking of praying, I haven't done a prayer list in a while, so as this school year is closing out and we are moving into summer, let me share the things I'm praying for.

  1. My Hello Life Support Group (as always)
  2. @anamakemethin and the struggles she's working through
  3. Kathy and her daughter Meghan, who is struggling with Endo, and Bekah, who has recently been diagnosed with an Eating Disorder
  4. The upcoming walk for Advice and Aid Pregnancy Center
  5. The upcoming walk for the NEDA (for info on donating, see the tab above)
  6. Kate and peace and health in her pregnancy and that ED may stay quiet so she can have a happy healthy baby
  7. Casey to find his place this summer and to find a sense of purpose
  8. Mary's daughter, who is being investigated for Endo at age 11
  9. Casey to find his niche and where he needs to be right now and sense of purpose
  10. Dillon to find peace in his current battle
Those are just a few things on my mind to lift up right now. I need to go to class, so I'll call that it for today. Have a great day guys!


  1. Ohohoh! And Hayden who has recently been admitted to the hospital for treatment.

  2. Ohohoh! And Hayden who has recently been admitted to the hospital for treatment.
