Think the more obscure ones here, like Pocahontas, Atlantis, the Emperor's New Groove, The Hunchback of Notre Dame. And, in case you haven't gathered yet from the title of this post, Lilo and Stitch.

Well, while ohana does mean family and that's a very nice saying and Stitch is extremely cute and I totally wouldn't mind if he were MY ohana, that's not what I'm going for this morning. I'm going more for this moment where Lilo is laying on the ground in utter misery, convinced that the world is ending. The moment that I know we've all experienced at some point in our lives where you want to yell at whoever is invading your personal space "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET OUT OF MY FUCKING ROOM!" The moment where its like "yup, life is fucking bull shit and this is the end and I'm just going to lay here until I decompose. This moment right here.

And then Stitch shows up! Funny how that always seems to happen when we're at our total worst. Someone comes along and somehow everything becomes ok again. The world keeps turning, the sun rises and sets, and (despite our strongest beliefs) we somehow don't get "fat".
I remember once last summer when I was with my first shrink and the doc was talking about the effects of catastrophizing and asking me what was the worst that could happen. I had just gone through one of the larger and more anxiety provoking challenges and we were processing through my mental state. I touched my head, and my arms, and said something along the lines of "Well, all my limbs are still attached, and my head is still on straight. So, I seem to be here, and I seem to be ok. It must not have been so bad."
I know sometimes it feels like this is the total end. "The day may come when the caffeine runs dry and we all put our head between our legs and kiss our asses goodbye. And it IS THIS DAY! Retreat motherfuckers! Every man for himself!" But you know what?
Lilo was ok. I'm ok. That person who reads this blog in Russia is ok (shoutout to you by the way. I think it's awesome that you're from Russia! I don't think I've ever heard from you, but you're really cool because hey, RUSSIA, and it says in my stats that you read consistently, so I'm glad that A: the translate function works, or B: that you know english. I mean, not saying our Frenchers or Germaners or Singaporians or UKers or USAers or Malasians or Afghanistanians or all the rest of you aren't cool. I mean, you all are! Shout out to all of you! Especially you from Italy since you're new! Glad you found our little community <3 And you know what, like Lilo, YOU'LL ALL BE OK! Ok, I'm going to get my foot out of my mouth. I was just using the person from Russia to make a point. You'll be ok hon!)
Anyway, my point is that, just like in Disney, it will all end up ok in the end. Don't give up hope when you're laying on the ground just waiting to die, because those feelings WILL come and they will SUCK. It's ok to wallow in your misery every once in a while.
Just don't forget to get back up again when you're done =)
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