Saturday, September 6, 2014

Kati Morton: How Can I Stop Feeling Worthless? Plus, Allowing Myself to Feel Proud of Something

Hey everybody! Happy weekend! I'm getting ready to go hang at a friend of a friend's this weekend, so you may not hear from me tomorrow. But hopefully it will be a lot of fun. A little nervous about the food and exercise situation, but trying to just view it as another challenge to be conquered.

Ok, so today I wanted to share THIS VIDEO from Kati Morton's channel on youtube. (By the way, if you haven't subscribed to her, you totally should! She's a great source and place to find community for mental health issues and eating disorders and you can ask her questions and her videos are AMAZING.) I thought all three topics in this video were applicable and just wanted to share.

Now for this post, I'm going to do her journal topic at the end of the video. I don't always do the journal topics, but I liked this one and thought it would be a good exercise for me as this is something I struggle with. Kati challenged her viewers to write about something that they are most proud of to date.


Now, if any of you know me well, you know that I absolutely HATE "bragging" on myself. Even talking about my personal strengths or positive traits is difficult. I tend to more focus on negatives and ways I need to improve. I kinda cover it euphemistically by calling it "bettering myself" when in fact it can be just straight up beating up myself. At times.

So, today I'm going to try to talk about something I like about myself and I am proud of. I wouldn't say there's any one thing I'm most proud of, but here's one thing that does come to mind.

I am proud that I have been able to go through this that and the other and stay positive about life. I am a kind person and am able to talk to people and make them smile and feel good. It would be very easy for me to be in a totally shit mood all the time and be a generally negative person.

More than that, people often say I'm one of the sweetest and kindest souls they've ever met and that they love talking to me and I always put a smile on their face. I live in the world of bright colors, stickers, and cute baby panda videos and never met someone I couldn't make friends with.

So yeah, that's that. Message me if you want to tell me about something you're proud of! Or I guess you could comment too. That works.

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