Sunday, March 30, 2014


Ok, so it's been no secret that I've been riding the strugglebus over the past few days. Let me tell you guys a bit about what's going on (now that I actually have time to write a proper post! Hey, give me a break. There are 5 weeks left in the semester and I'm trying to work on 6 different projects to make sure that I keep my scholarship.)

So basically, I met a guy with few friends at the campus biking club and we started talking and making plans to hang out, maybe race some (he introduced me to this REALLY cool app called Strava where it has courses set up for you in your area and a GPS tracks your progress and logs your miles and speed and time and you can compare to how other people do. There are a bunch of routes here and in Lenexa, so it's good if you're looking for a new route to bike.) Well, one thing led to another and things got a little out of hand. Basically now I'm being stalked.

Like, no joke. You know, people use the word stalking to describe a number of different situations with varrying severity.

No. This is like legit I-want-to-use-a-sex-toy-in-your-room-and-put-peanut-butter-up-your-vagina-and-move-into-your-building (I'm moving, by the way) sending-you-creepy-pictures-totes-magotes-stalking. On one hand I still very much want to help him. Speaking from my half-a-psychology-degree-unofficial-perspective, he is definitely borderline with anger issues and God issues (seeing divine visions).

I know, at first I thought he was joking too.

Why do these off the wall things always happen to me?!?!

Anyway, I didn't want to just abandon him, so I've been pushing for him to talk to a professional (this is SO out of my league) or at least to get in with a group of really good christian guys I know who can maybe help him in a safer way than I can. He's resistant to all this. Eventually, for my own safety, I had to seriously cut it off, and that upset him (cussing out, whole shibang).

I felt very guilty through all this and lost my 3 months cut free. But you know what, now I get to pick myself up and start over this morning and move forward some.

Now, to talk about something positive. I'm finally back to working out. My knee is healed just enough that I think, as long as I don't push it too far, it will be ok.

Also, yesterday Casey and I went around and did a bunch of panorama shots. They may  not be the best in the west, but he's working on stitching them, so hopefully I can show that to you guys.

On a side note, if you haven't already, check out my book! There's a link about at the A Mind Unruly tab.

Have a good one guys. Keep smiling =)

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