Short note about what I did yesterday. Holi fest was put on by the Indian students at the university! So much fun! Colored dyes and baby powder flying through the air, mud pit, DJ, dancing, water guns, and general merriment. I'm pretty sure some people got chucked in the lake at some point or another.
And of course lots of fun exploring the park with my honey. Tennis, and plant potting. Found an awesome tree with this web of roots gripping the side of the bluff and you could climb over them and crawl through them.
Things with Casey are interesting. He has reached the point where he says he thinks he loves me completely and totally and I make him a better person. He is also struggling with what to do with his life and is in a major transitional stage that is sending him for a bit of a spin. We talked for a couple hours last night until 2am. I do what I can for him. Ultimately he has to decide what he wants.
Hopefully today we'll get to go hiking at the Wildcat Glades. I'll let you all know how all that goes.
As far as a general update goes, I got through my first period without the birth control! Wasn't sure what to expect, but it actually went pretty sure. I was only a few days late and the cramping wasn't unbearable. Almost exclusively back cramps and ovary pain, which surprised me. I guess I remember being off birth control as being a lot of abdominal cramps, but shit changes apparently.
Eating hasn't been going so hot. Working out a lot. Bingeing and purging has started up again with intermittent restricting. Have been slowly losing weight. Trying to get by with buying summer clothes to fit into, but now I'm finding I'm back to fitting into some of my OLD clothes. Sigh, ED problems, haha =)
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