Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Life List

Sorry about the whole no posting thing yesterday. I'm knee deep in a good book and spent the day camped out in a tree reading. =) That being said, I'm super excited for positive psychology today! We're making vision boards.

Vision boards are where you make a Life List of goals that you can work towards every day that you want to do in your lifetime. Then you take pictures and key words of some of them and make a collage to hang on your fridge or mirror to remind yourself of what your working towards. You can even have multiple themed vision boards around the house.

So what I thought I'd do today is share my life list with you guys. Kinda long, 81 so far. But hey, the originator of the vision board had 113, so it's ok if it's lon. Just means I have a lot to get doing =)
  1. Kick ED to the curb
  2. Learn to fly an airplane
  3. Go to Greece
  4. Give a TED talk
  5. Publish a novel
  6. Do an Iron Man
  7. Recover from Endo
  8. Get my masters in counseling
  9. Save a life
  10. Swim with Dolphins
  11. Get a tattoo
  12. See the Diamond Falls
  13. Know someone's heart
  14. Teach Yoga
  15. Have a library
  16. Play paintball
  17. Go wing walking
  18. Cuddle a quokka
  19. Make a bookcase
  20. Go to an endomarch
  21. Learn a backflip
  22. Learn to raise my left eyebrow
  23. Try a dragonfruit
  24. Dye my hair blue or green
  25. Publish an article in an academic journal
  26. Become fluent in another language
  27. Learn to play raquetball
  28. Transcend
  29. Quit sugar
  30. Kiss a stranger
  31. Learn to play River Flows in You on the piano
  32. Stop hiding
  33. Love myself
  34. Climb a mountain
  35. Learn to horse jump
  36. Design a t-shirt
  37. Adopt a puppy
  38. See Wicked on Broadway
  39. Learn to surf
  40. See the glowing mushrooms in Malaysia
  41. Go white water rafting
  42. Get certified in sign language
  43. Enjoy a molten lava cake
  44. Not care
  45. Go skiing
  46. Love a child
  47. Meet my Hello Life support group all in one place
  48. Go streaking
  49. Go skinny dipping
  50. Spend a summer at a nunnery
  51. End stigma and misconceptions about ED
  52. Reach 100 Trusper tips
  53. Reach 3 years blogging
  54. Make up a new word
  55. 1000 books on Goodreads
  56. Drink tea on a terrace in England
  57. Go to an Irish pub and be in a bar fight
  58. Play in the river with an elephant
  59. Be in a bike race
  60. Have 1000 Happier moments
  61. Make a gratitude portfolio
  62. Ambush someone with whipped cream
  63. Go to a drive in movie theater
  64. Be in a flashmob
  65. Wear a bikini
  66. Meet Andrew Lloyd Webber
  67. Take the picture of a lifetime
  68. Make a list of my favorite words
  69. Join the Peace Corps
  70. Run a half marathon
  71. Do a Warrior Dash
  72. Visit Josh's grave
  73. Water Ski
  74. Go bird watching
  75. Grow strawberries
  76. Drive on that one highway in Germany
  77. Compose a song
  78. Ride a gondola in Venice
  79. Get a professional massage
  80. Visit Antarctica
  81. Find out why

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