Friday, May 9, 2014

A Day of Blessings

It's really hitting home how much I'm going to miss my boyfriend over the summer. We spent last night together until midnight, and then he knocked on my window about 2am. We went out and got ice cream and watched some X files. All the while last night and this morning, ED was yelling in my ear about what I was eating, but I don't care. I did it for Casey. It made him happy. I am blessed to have him in my life.

My parents are coming up to move me out this morning, and then they're going to the psych center to talk to my therapist and get her progress report. Then we're all going out to eat, and then I have to say goodbye to him. Turn around and go home. I hope the summer flies by.

Advice and Aid Pregnancy Centers Walk For Life tomorrow. I'm working the check in: one of my first official duties as summer intern. If you want to donate, click on THIS LINK and go to "Walkers". My mom is walking, so click on Linda Jensen (yes, she's on there twice, no it doesn't matter which one you click) and help support a wonderful cause that gives support and options to pregnant women in Kansas City, providing a 24 hour hotline, baby supplies closet, food pantry, parental education and support group, abortion recovery services, and more!

Also, remember that if you would like to donate to the NEDA walk in June, just check out the information on the tab above! For now, I need to start packing and getting ready for my parents to get here. Sorry for the short post.

Oh! and one more thing. Had a bit of a scare yesterday when my Geography teacher entered a 0/25 for one of my quizzes! Yikes! Dropped me down to a C in that class. But I got right on it and messaged him with a "what-gives?!you-dont-understand-sir-I-really-need-a-B-in-this-class-please-work-with-me-I-promise-I-turned-it-in-have-pity-on-my-poor-soul. Thankfully he was reasonable and just didn't count it for a grade, so I have my B. I was able to pull my Exercise Physiology grade up to a B and got an unexpected A in Principals of Learning. Got the A that I had to get in Positive Psychology (I loved that class, so that wasn't hard). Things aren't so bad. Got my grades, got my internship, I can't complain, I have truly been blessed.

Ok, gotta go now. Have a great day guys!

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