Sunday, May 18, 2014

Deanna Rose

Great day at Deanna Rose yesterday! As well as some epic tennis with my dad. I got to see one of my best girlfriends Nikki at her job and give her a hug and tell her I love her and that we need to hang out soon.

One of the goats was named half and half and it was literally half black and half white split right down the middle.

Yeah, totally adorable!!! I pretty much died the entire day from all the cuteness of the baby animals and the baby kids. Baby kids and baby goats (haha, baby kids and baby kids!) all in a pen together!

Yes, I figured out later that it was a little creepy that I took pictures of random little kids, so please no one call the cops or anything, I promise I wasn't being creepy. It was just funny to see the kids and the kids interacting! (Sorry, I know, bad pun.) Anyway, enjoy the cuteness!

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